Magnolia Scale

Treating Magnolia Scale

What is Magnolia Scale?

Magnolia scale is a soft insect that feeds on plant sap, resulting in significant damage to magnolia trees. As they feed, they excrete large amounts of drippy, sticky honeydew waste. This honeydew serves as a growth medium for sooty mold fungi, giving affected leaves and branches a black, sooty appearance. The presence of honeydew and sooty mold can also lead to stains on lawn furniture and other items surrounding the infested tree. The sugars in honeydew attract wasps and ants, exacerbating the issue. Heavily infested trees may experience slow growth, weakened branches, branch dieback, and eventual tree death.

Adult magnolia scale females have a shiny brown color and are elliptical and convex in shape, reaching up to 1/2 inch in diameter. They can resemble plant buds on the twigs. When alive, the females are soft and leave a reddish stain when crushed.

How Do You Treat Magnolia Scale?

At Korte Tree Care, we offer effective treatment methods to combat magnolia scale and restore the health of your magnolia trees. Our recommended approaches include:

  1. Systemic Insecticide: Imidacloprid, a systemic insecticide, can be drenched into the soil from late spring to early May. This application is highly effective and can yield positive results. Another application the following spring can be somewhat effective if necessary.
  2. Dormant Oils: Dormant oils are effective when used in February and March, before the buds open. Applying dormant oils during this period helps control magnolia scale infestations.

Say goodbye to magnolia scale and restore the vitality of your trees. Contact Korte Tree Care today to schedule a consultation. We proudly serve Columbia, Jefferson City, and the surrounding areas, delivering exceptional care and expertise for your trees.

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